Tag Archives: Sexologist in Delhi


Sex During Pregnancy

One of the great myths is that the practice of sex during pregnancy can be dangerous for the baby and there are many women who completely eliminate sexual relations from the moment they confirm that they are pregnant. However, sex during pregnancy is only a risk in very specific cases:

  • When there is a history of spontaneous abortion or premature birth.
  • If there is bleeding or vaginal discharge.
  • If there is a loss of amniotic fluid or placenta previa.
  • If you have a sexually transmitted disease.

With regard to the so-called risk pregnancies, it will be the gynecologist who must determine whether or not to have sexual relations.

Another myth related to sex during pregnancy is that its practice can harm the baby. The first thing to know is that it is protected by the mother’s abdomen and by the amniotic fluid bag. However, it will be necessary to adapt the way in which sexual relations are carried out as the pregnancy progresses, although not in order to avoid the baby suffering, but so that they are comfortable and both members of the couple can fully enjoy themselves.

Despite the false myths, it is true that pregnancy conditions the sexual life of the couple in some way. In some women, sexual desire comes and goes during pregnancy. In the first trimester, for example, the symptoms of pregnancy can inhibit the desire to have sex. But the symptoms usually disappear in the second trimester and normalcy can be regained insofar as the growth of the fetus, and with it of the belly, will condition the movements and postures. In addition, during pregnancy increases the blood volume of the woman and most of the blood flow is directed to the pelvic area, so it is likely that she reaches orgasm more easily and even more intensely.

In the third quarter, there may again be a loss of interest in sex by women, although they are usually transitory situations. The practice of sex will impose the need to look for comfortable positions for women, given the growth of their abdomen. Sexologist in Delhi suggests the best, in this case, are those in which the woman is on top, in which the man is placed on the back of the woman or on which it rests on the hands and knees. Even so, do not forget that sexual intercourse can be equally successful without the need for penetration: there are many ways to enjoy sex.

In any case, the practice of sex during pregnancy should be based on good communication between the couple, seeking understanding and mutual satisfaction of the needs of the other. The complicity that is obtained in this way will make both enjoy equally.


Improve Your Sperm Quality

Sperm quality in older men is significantly worse than in young men. As you age, the body’s ability to protect itself from oxidative stress decreases and free radicals damage the genome (DNA) in the sperm cells. According to sexologist in Delhi, even older men can maintain their sperm quality or can recapture it – with vital substances.

Improve sperm quality with nutrients

A research team investigated whether intake of nutrients and trace elements could affect sperm quality in older men. The team reviewed the effects of special micronutrients in 80 men aged 20 to 80 years. All men were non-smokers and had similar habits.

Vital substances for best sperm quality

A special procedure was used to determine the daily intake of vitamins from subjects and their nutritional supplements (vitamin C, vitamin E, beta-carotene, zinc, and folic acid) and then examine sperm quality with regard to DNA damage.

Sperm quality increases with vitamin C, vitamin E, zinc and folate

It turned out that the sperm of those men with the highest vitamin C intake had about 16 percent less DNA damage than the sperm of the men with the lowest vitamin C intake. Similarly, vitamin E, zinc and folic acid positively affected sperm quality. Only beta-carotene seemed to have no effect on sperm quality.

When the best sexologist in Delhi only checked the data of the young men (20 to 44 years), the nutrients did not appear to lead to any measurable improvement in sperm quality. By contrast, the older men (over 44 years old) found that those men who consumed the most vitamin C, vitamin E, and zinc had about 20 percent less DNA damage in their sperm than the least elderly men Vitamin C, Vitamin E, and Zinc. All of this may be obvious, as it compares the sperm quality of men of the same age group.

Older men can influence their sperm quality

However, it was fascinating that those men who consumed the most vitamin C, vitamin E and zinc also had the same sperm quality at older ages (ie older than 44 years) than younger men (20 to 44 years).

Maca and Cordyceps improve your sperm quality

Another way to improve sperm quality is through two superfoods from two completely different regions of the world: maca, the power root from the South American Andes, and the vital mushroom Cordyceps from China.

Maca showed in studies that it is able to improve not only the size and number of sperm but also their mobility.
improve your sperm quality
Also, the medicinal mushroom Cordyceps has been proven in studies as a natural and effective means that can increase the vitality of sperm.

Mumijo improves your sperm quality

Mumijo should also be able to significantly improve sperm quality. The ancient Russian remedy from the Himalayan mountains could not only increase the sperm count in a study but also improve sperm motility and protect the sperm from oxidative stress. This was already achieved after a daily intake of 200 mg of Mumijo – as we explain here: Mumijo – the black gold of the mountains

Vital food improves your sperm quality

Improve your sperm quality! To do so, increase the nutrient content of your diet by feeding on excessively low levels and cooking your own meals using freshly-harvested ingredients every day.

Eat plenty of vegetables, fruits, and sprouts for the perfect vitamin C supply. Freshly squeezed juices (with the Green Star juicer) increase the vitamin C content of your diet even further.

Green smoothies also provide plenty of vitamin C and are also an excellent source of folic acid.

Zinc and vitamin E are obtained from nuts, almonds, seeds, and oilseeds (eg pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, etc.).

If you want to integrate animal products into your diet, pay attention to high quality and select products from grazing animals.

When buying fruits and vegetables you should prefer organic food.

erectile dysfunction treatment in Delhi

When erectile dysfunction affects young men

It is associated with older men, but what can those who suffer it in the ‘flower’ of their youth do?

Erection problems in men are considered as an issue that concerns him exclusively affecting his good sexual performance and family life, however, male sexual disorders such as erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation could be overcome more easily if you have the emotional support of the couple.

“These disorders usually occur with a higher incidence in men of 40 years and only 20% go to a specialist. The most common reaction of men suffering from the disease is to deny it out of fear of shame, trusting that the problem will resolve itself, affecting their relationship, as they will begin to blame it for not feeling interested, becoming part of the problem and not in a help, “says Dr. P K Gupta, Best Sexologist in Delhi.

The main causes of sexual dysfunction are due to organic factors, however, the aggressive position of the couple before a sexual disorder worsens the situation making it a psychological problem, therefore, as soon as any anomaly is detected it is important that together they go to an expert, to evaluate what type of treatment should be followed.

Most men live worried about their manhood and failing in erections is seen as a blow to their masculinity. Sometimes, when the dysfunction occurs in men of advanced age, the problem seems to be much less than if it occurs in a man who is in his 20 or 30 years.

The young person and the young adult worry if they see that this happens to them frequently, because they are not “old” enough to lose their virility. However, there are several factors that influence whether this happens or that it is repeated frequently.

Dr. Gupta, Sexologist in Delhi shares some of the most frequent concerns of young people when erectile dysfunction touches their lives.

What happens when the problem occurs in young people, why it happens and how to handle it? 

In those ages “virility” is something that usually worries a lot and this is a disorder that is largely associated with older men.

The majority of cases in young patients are associated with psychological factors such as stress and anxiety about their sexual performance. However, it must be ruled out that there is no major physical problem, which is why it is always recommended to consult an expert sex doctor in Delhi.

How do you explain that you can have a good erection but at any moment this is lost?

When a person usually has good erections and these are lost in specific occasions there may be a behavioral or psychological factor associated as for example, problems of a couple, lack of adequate stimulation or monotony in sexual life. Although the doctor insists that physical factors should always be ruled out as a venous leak, among others.

What psychological factors can influence erectile dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction in more than 90% of cases has a basic physical / organic factor that must be detected and treated. Any case of dysfunction is usually associated with psychological factors that can be worsened in greater or lesser amounts by factors such as work stress, anxiety to achieve a good sexual performance, couple problems, feelings of guilt associated with relationships outside the stable and low partner. self-esteem.

Many men feel recriminated by their partner when the relationships are not satisfactory because of erectile dysfunction. This is why it is recommended that couples support each other and make an early consultation to not let this condition advance.

What to do when the preoccupation of having a good erection precisely does not allow having it?

The ideal for these cases is integral management that includes: drugs that support the quality of the erection and psychotherapeutic support that allows improving the basic condition.

According to studies, the prevalence of the disease from 40 years is up to 40%, so the probability of suffering some degree of dysfunction increases with the passage of time.

The sex specialist in Delhi also offers some strategies for couples to successfully face erectile dysfunction.

Conquer each other: a romantic dinner or a trip to a hotel for a night without children can be good ideas.

Face the problem in dialogue with your partner: It is useless to ignore the issue, in this situation communication is key and should try to be as honest as possible to be able to find the most appropriate solution. Do not look for culprits, this can generate greater rejection. It is better to face the issue as a couple.

Change the sexual routine: Over the years the tendency of many couples is to fall into routine and boredom making contact with your partner in an obligation more than satisfaction.

Look for a solution as soon as possible: Like everything in health, sexual problems should be corrected or treated as soon as possible. In most cases when a sexual dysfunction arises and is not treated, it tends to get worse, making it harder to treat and heal.


Masturbating More Can Be A Problem

Masturbation can become healthy. However, when it interferes with your life or even causes you physical problems, it stops being in the normal range.

There is no magic number that establishes the exact number of masturbation that you must or can do. Masturbation is something healthy; However, masturbating more than the account can be a problem and even interfere with your daily life.

You may do it twice a week or twice a day, you may even have a routine. However, one way or another, you may have noticed that you masturbate too much. But, calmly, according to the best sexologist in Delhi, Dr. P K Gupta makes clear that there is no exact and correct number. “27% of men between 30 and 39 years old masturbate once a week, approximately,” he explains.

The amount of masturbation is not a problem unless it affects your life in a negative way, and here we detail some signs, physical and mental so that you identify if you have a problem with this issue.

You hurt yourself

Some men masturbate so often that they hurt themselves, they can be skin lesions by irritation, or more serious as perianal problems. It’s obvious, but just in case you hurt yourself, stop masturbating so much and with a lot of intensity.

Your work suffers

If you prefer to stay at home on a Sunday with your hand instead of going out with friends, or you have been late for a work meeting for playing around more than the account, then you have a problem. Your masturbation habits are interfering with your social life and your work. Change your routine.

Your sex life suffers

Some gentlemen masturbate a lot with only one type of stimulus and watching pornography, so when they have sex they can not find a way to recreate that feeling and excitement. If you always see the same type and use the same movements, you teach your brain to work alone so you may have problems when having sex with your partner, explains sexologist in Delhi.

You always think about masturbating

If you wake up wanting to touch you, after eating you want to do it, and when you get home it’s the first thing you think about … you have a problem.

Solve your problems

If you are among those who think you have problems with masturbation, quiet, there is a solution. The sexologist doctor in Delhi advises you to ‘be courteous’ by either setting some direct limits or by gradually reducing your masturbatory habits, for example by setting the standard of only doing it at night.

Masturbation is a healthy part of your sex life, and you do not want to abandon this practice completely, but if after trying to ‘regulate’ the touching fails, you should go to a sex specialist in Delhi to give you the necessary therapy, for your own good and that of your partner.