Tag Archives: sexologist doctor in Delhi

premature ejaculation

How to Extend Intercourse?

Wondering how to prolong your intercourse could mean you are dealing with premature ejaculation. It is a common condition of men at different stages of life, but it is reassuring – you can fight it effectively.

Premature ejaculation is the most common male sexual disorder – according to the available data, 28% suffer from it. Premature ejaculation occurs when ejaculation occurs within the first two minutes of intercourse. The causes of this ailment may be different. In adolescence, it results mainly from a hormonal storm, in adulthood it is most often caused by health problems. So, both hypertension, prostate diseases, prostatitis, too frequent masturbation, as well as prolonged sexual abstinence, can result in premature ejaculation.

Risk factors are also: smoking, alcohol or other intoxicating substances, stress and feeling insecure. According to the best sexologist in Delhi, ejaculation is present in over 90 percent. from the psyche, therefore, in premature ejaculation treatment in Delhi, great emphasis is placed on a positive attitude.

How to extend intercourse?

There are many ways to deal with premature ejaculation in the forum, but it’s good to be vigilant. To avoid the use of often dangerous methods, below you can find some proven, effective and safe solutions.

APE method

One of the most popular exercise methods recently to prolong intercourse is APE – a set of exercises and tips based on natural behavior. When deciding on this method, you need to remember about regular, preferably daily, at least half an hour of exercise.

The three finger technique

Another helpful method is the perineal compression technique, also known as the three-finger technique, known for over 5,000 years. To do it correctly, you need to press three fingers on the point between the testicles and the anus (in the central part of the perineum) and wait for the excitement to fall – using this method can extend the intercourse by up to several minutes.

Kegel exercises

Regular Kegel training is another highly effective method. Strongly trained, these muscles allow a man to control his reactions and thus prolong intercourse. To achieve the desired effect, you need to perform 30 series of quick contractions and relaxation of the pelvic floor, and then perform several series of long, minimum 10-second contractions. Such exercises should be repeated in the morning and evening, and their duration should be extended every week.

STOP and GO method

Another popular technique is the STOP and GO method recommended mainly by sexologist doctor in Delhi. It is characterized by simplicity of implementation and high efficiency and consists in stopping penetration a moment before orgasm to take care of the partner. Simply put, it is an interweaving of intercourse with other forms of sex that can extend your penetration time up to two times. According to this technique, sexual intercourse can only be resumed after the erection has slightly subsided.

9 thrust technique

To properly perform this prolonged intercourse exercise, the partner should count the cycles of shallow and deep thrusts performed without leaving the partner. Please adhere to the following rule:

  1. 9 shallow vs. 1 deep thrusts
  2. 8 shallow to 2 deep thrusts
  3. 7 shallow to 3 deep and so on from 1 shallow to 9 deep.

Shallow thrusts should be done at a moderate pace and deep thrusts quickly and decisively. After the first series, you can take a break (without interrupting the penetration, however) and then move on to the next one.

Pills to prolong intercourse

The above manual methods are very effective, but if they are not enough, it is worth getting pharmacological agents. Tablets for prolonging the intercourse available in pharmacies (it is better to avoid agents from uncertain sources) should be treated as a last resort.

Both exercises and pills help to prolong intercourse, so everyone can find the best method for themselves to deal with this embarrassing but common problem.

sex specialist in delhi

The Excitement

What is sexual arousal?

Arousal is when you feel sexual arousal (you are hot). When you feel arousal, your body has physical and emotional changes. For example, your penis or clitoris may become erect (hard), tender, and swollen, and your vulva or vagina may feel moist, as can the tip of your penis.

You can excite sexually encouraging you to mix yourself or with a partner. Also, when you have sexual fantasies or thoughts, or when you read, watch, or listen to erotic materials (such as porn). Arousal can also happen when you touch, or someone touches, some parts of your body that are very sensitive (also called erogenous zones). However, not all people feel sexually aroused when touched, says sexologist in Delhi.

When you feel excited, you may have many physical reactions, or you may not have any. Some of the changes you can have in your body when you feel arousal include:

  • your blood pressure, heart rate (heartbeat), breathing and temperature rise
  • your nipples, vaginal lips, and clitoris fill with blood and become more sensitive
  • your penis gets harder and stops (this is also called having an erection)
  • your vagina is lubricated (gets wet) and expands

What is sexual desire?

Your sexual desire (sometimes called “libido”) is when you feel like having sex, or when your mind or body gets excited when you think of doing something sexual, like masturbate, have sexual thoughts or fantasies, or have sex with a couple.

How do I know if my sexual desire is normal?

Sexual desire is different for all people. The number of times people feel like having sex is a very personal thing. There is no “normal” amount of sexual desire. Sexual desire and interest in sex are different for each person and can change over time.

Your sexual desire can change due to things like stress, taking certain medications, and other physical, emotional, and lifestyle factors. Some people feel like having sex every day or more than once a day. While other people almost never or never want to have sex. Also, some people need to have a strong emotional connection with someone to be interested in having sex (this is sometimes called demisexual). There are other people who do not need, or even do not want, to have an emotional connection with those who have sex. People who are not sexually attracted to anyone may identify as asexual.

If you have low sexual desire and this worries you or makes you feel bad, you may have something called hypoactive sexual desire disorder. There are many things you can do to help increase your sexual desire if you want.

What are erogenous zones?

Some parts of the body have many nerve endings (places where the nerves that run through our body end), which make you feel excited or sexually stimulated when you or someone touches them. Those are your erogenous zones. The most erogenous zones for most people are the genital areas: the vulva, clitoris, vaginal lips, vagina, anus, perineum, penis, scrotum, and prostate. Other common erogenous zones are the breasts and nipples, neck, lips, mouth, tongue, back, fingers and toes, hands, feet, ears, buttocks, and thighs. Usually the most sensitive is the penis and clitoris, which explains sexologist doctor in Delhi.

Any part of your body can be sexual because just as all people are different, erogenous zones are also different. What feels good for you, may not feel good for your partner, so to know what he likes, you can ask him!

What is the sexual response cycle?

The sexual response cycle is how your body reacts to sexual stimulation. This can happen with a partner, with yourself, or even while you sleep! You do not always go through all stages of the sexual response cycle; you may stop at any time.

The first stage is feeling desire or having thoughts that excite you sexually. This can make you aroused (hot), which is when your body prepares to have sex. Your heart rate (heartbeat) speeds up, your muscles tense, and blood flows to your genitals (penis or vagina).

The next is the plateau stage when you feel a lot of excitement and maintain that feeling by masturbating or having sex.

The plateau stage ends with an orgasm, when the tension you built up is released with various spasms or muscle contractions that feel great. Your body releases endorphins, that is, hormones that make you feel happy and relaxed.

The resolution stage occurs at the end of the sexual response cycle, whether or not you have had an orgasm. Resolution means that your body returns to the state it was in before it excited you.


How to know if you have male sexual impotence?

Sex is an important part of the life of a large part of the adult population. But not everyone enjoys as much as he would like. This can happen for different reasons and can be the source of problems of couple, discouragement, low self-esteem or depression. Therefore, it is important that they are treated once they are detected. So, in this article, we will see how to recognize if you suffer from male sexual impotence and what to do if this happens.

What is male sexual impotence?

The male sexual impotence, also called erectile dysfunction, is the inability to achieve and maintain an erection long enough for sexual intercourse to enjoy satisfactorily.

It is one of those problems that has been taboo throughout history, although paradoxically there are many men who suffer from it. It would be good to distinguish between a punctual situation and something that happens frequently or even whenever you try to maintain relationships.

The sexual impotence is physical, ie, you can have the intense desire to have a sexual encounter, but either did not get an erection or not remains to complete the act.

What reasons exist for male sexual impotence?

There are various causes that can cause impotence, some physical and other emotional or mental. Let’s see the main ones:

  • Age. Age is a determining factor. According to sexologist in Delhi, from the age of 60 up to 40% of men suffer from erectile dysfunction. While after 70 years the number of affected rises above 50%.
  • Blood circulation. Different diseases that cause circulatory problems can prevent enough blood from reaching the penis, and therefore an erection can occur.
  • Psychological causes. One of the most frequent reasons for dysfunction is psychological problems, from depression to stress. For example, in the latter case, when you have a state of tension, blood cortisol levels increase. The increase in this hormone causes your body to be prepared to overcome a stressful situation, however, at the same time, it causes that the erection cannot be achieved.
  • Medicines. There are some medications that directly cause erection problems. For example, those used for high voltage. It is because as they lower the tension they also reduce the blood flow. Something that, as we saw in the previous point, causes less blood to reach the penis and that is why it is difficult to achieve an erection.
  • Drugs and alcohol. Drugs and alcohol abuse is never good, nor in these cases. In fact, contrary to what some people think this type of consumption is one of the most common causes of erectile dysfunction.
  • Unknown origin. Sometimes the origin of your impotence is unknown, you may not have it, or the sexologist doctor in Delhi who treats you has not managed to find out the reason. In these cases, it is usually more complicated to find the right treatment.

How to know if you suffer sexual impotence?

Recognizing that one suffers from sexual impotence is difficult not only with the couple, with friends or with the sexologist in Delhi but also with oneself. Although as we said before it is a taboo subject, almost all men, if not the totality, have suffered in their lives a case of punctual impotence, even more than one.

Of course, having one or two episodes does not require saying that you suffer from sexual impotence. But beware, you must be very careful here There is a point that we did not mention in the previous section, but that can also be the origin of impotence, oneself.

This reason may have left you a little out of place, so sexologist in Delhi will explain below what we mean by this. When you suffer one or more episodes of impotence and you start to think about this issue, you may be convinced that you have erectile dysfunction, and then you are unable to achieve an erection. Try to prevent this from happening to you.

One way to know is suffering from sexual impotence is to try to stimulate yourself sexually, if you are healthy and everything is going well, the erection will arrive without a problem. If you do not get it, and this happens for a few days or weeks, and you are that time if you achieve an erection, you probably have a problem.


Low Testosterone, Symptoms And Consequences

Testosterone is an essential male hormone since it plays a fundamental role in health and well-being. What happens when your levels are low? How can we detect it? Our expert sexologist in Delhi explains it to you.

Testosterone, produced in the testicles, defines male characters, such as the severity of the voice, hair, musculature or sexual capacity.   But, beyond these hallmarks, it intervenes in many other organic processes of man, such as:

  • Increase bone density.
  • It helps the liver produce enzymes and synthesize proteins.
  • Improves fat metabolism.
  • It improves memory and concentration.
  • It favors a good mood.

The decrease in testosterone levels

As when puberty arrives, testosterone levels soar, thus favoring the development of man; from the age of 30, their levels decrease by around 1% each year, being even more noticeable after the age of 50. This gradual decrease should not cause health problems since it is a natural aging process, but it will all depend on the amount of hormone that man has.

When testosterone levels are low, and these are associated with certain symptoms or diseases, we would talk about the appearance of testosterone deficit syndrome, which has among its main causes insufficient production of testosterone by the testicles, or the inactivation of testosterone circulating in the blood. It affects 10% of men at age 50, and 30% of men over 75 years.

low libido

In addition to it, a low level of testosterone may also be caused by:

  • An injury or infection in the testicles.
  • Oncological treatments
  • Hormonal disorders
  • Genetic disorders
  • Steroid use
  • Obesity
  • Hepatic or renal diseases.

Symptoms of low testosterone

Testosterone, as with estrogen in women, has a protective effect on men, balancing many of the body’s functions.

Symptoms of a low testosterone level include the following:

  • Decrease or lack of sexual desire.
  • Difficulty achieving an erection.
  • Increase of tiredness and fatigue.
  • Irritability, depression.
  • A decrease in muscle mass.
  • Loss of facial, body and pubic hair.
  • Increase in breast tissue.
  • Concentration or memory problems.
  • Insulin Resistance
  • Loss of bone density.
  • Cardiovascular disorders

These symptoms may be associated with the testosterone deficit syndrome, but it can also be caused by other causes or by a simple aging process. Therefore, before the appearance of any of them, it is necessary to consult a sex specialist in Delhi.

Treat low testosterone levels

Once the cause of the decrease in testosterone is confirmed, various treatments with hormonal supplementation that seek to correct this deficiency can be offered. Likewise, other lifestyle measures must be taken, such as controlling obesity through healthy eating, having a good rest and exercising moderately.

At Dr. P K Gupta’s Clinic, Dr. P K Gupta is a specialized sexologist doctor in Delhi who can help you. For any questions or request for an appointment, do not hesitate to contact us.


Sexual Activation Disorders

These disorders previously referred to as inhibited sexual activation are divided into:

1) Erectile dysfunction in men characterized by a recurring and persistent partial or complete inability to achieve or maintain an erection until sexual intercourse is completed;

2) Sexual activity disorder in women characterized by a recurring and persistent partial or complete inability to maintain sexual excitation accompanied by moistening and swelling of the genitalia until sexual intercourse is completed.

The diagnosis takes into account the focus, intensity, and duration of sexual activity in which the subject participates. If the stimulation is inadequate for focus, intensity or duration, the diagnosis should not be set. Below are the diagnostic criteria for activation disorders.

Diagnostic criteria for erectile dysfunction in men:

A. Or 1) or 2):

  1. Stable or actual partial or complete inability of a man to achieve or maintain an erection until the sexual intercourse is completed;
  2. stable or repetitive absence of a subjective sense of sexual arousal or satisfaction of a man during sexual activity,

B. Manifestation only during another Disorder of Axis 1 (non-sexual dysfunction) such as severe depression.

Diagnostic criteria for sexual activity disorder in women:

A. Or 1) or 2):

  1. Stable or actual partial or complete inability to maintain sexual excitement, accompanied by moistening and swelling of the genital organs, until sexual intercourse is completed;
  2. Persistent or repetitive absence of a subjective sense of sexual arousal or satisfaction of a woman during sexual activity.

B. Manifestation only during another Disorder of Axis 1 (non-sexual dysfunction), such as severe depression.


sexual activation disorder

The prevalence of female sexual disorders is usually underestimated. Women who have dysfunction in the phase of excitation also usually have a violation of the orgasm phase. In one study conducted on relatively happy couples, it has been found that 33% of women have sexual arousal.

Female sexual inhibition is associated with many psychological factors. Psychological conflicts can be expressed through the inhibition of sexual arousal and orgasm. In some women, disorders of the phase of the violation are associated with dyspareunia or with a lack of desire.

Physiological studies of dysfunction have shown that a hormonal pattern can contribute to the reactivity of women who suffer from a function disorder in the excitation phase. Sexologist in Delhi found that women with normal reactivity are particularly prone to sexual intercourse before menstruation. Women with dysfunction usually experience most sexual anxiety immediately after menstruation or during ovulation. Changes in levels of testosterone, estrogen, prolactin, and thyroxin also affect anxiety disorder in women.



An erection disorder in men is also called erectile dysfunction or impotence. In the case of primary impotence, a person can never achieve an erection sufficient for the introduction of the penis into the vagina. With secondary impotence, a person successfully reaches an erection that is sufficient for sexual intercourse, in some periods of his sexual life, whereas at another time he can not do this. In selective impotence, a man can, under certain circumstances, commit intercourse, and in others, he does not; for example, a function may be normal when dealing with a prostitute, but with a spouse, there is impotence.

Secondary impotence is observed in 10 – 20% of all men. Sexologist doctor in Delhi often heard these complaints from his patients. Among all men treated for sexual dysfunction, more than 50% is referred to as impotence as the main complaint. Primary impotence is a rare disorder that occurs in 1% of men up to 35 years of age. With age, the number of cases of impotence increases. Among adults of young age, it occurs in 8% of the population. Sex specialist in Delhi notes that, at the age of 80, 75% of men are impotent. Sex doctor in Delhi notes that the fear of impotence is felt by all men over 40, which, according to researchers, reflects the male fear of the loss of libido with age. However, age varies in different ways on the sexual function of different people; more important than age in itself for normal sexual function, the presence of a sexual partner.

Etiologically, impotence may be due to organic factors, psychological factors, or a combination of both. Many studies are devoted to the analysis of the ratio of psychological and organic impotence. Some sexologists in Delhi report that the frequency of organic impotence among patients undergoing treatment in a hospital is 75-85%. Others believe that these same patients have not been adequately psychologically tested and argue that more than 90% of patients suffer from impotence, which is caused psychologically. Below are listed the organic causes of impotence or diseases that cause erectile dysfunction:

  • Infectious or parasitic diseases – elephantiasis, epidemic mumps;
  • Cardiovascular diseases – atherosclerosis, aneurysm of the aorta, heart failure;
  • Kidney and urological diseases – Peyronie’s disease, chronic renal insufficiency, hydrocele or varicocele;
  • Liver disease – cirrhosis (usually associated with alcoholism);
  • Lung disease – respiratory failure; genetic diseases – Kline-Felter syndrome, congenital or structural violation of the penis;
  • Disorders related to nutrition – malnutrition, lack of vitamins; endocrine disorders-diabetes mellitus,
  • Dysfunction of the pituitary-adrenal axis – testicle, acromegaly, Addison’s disease, chromosomal FOBN adenoma, neoplasia of the adrenal glands, myxedema, hypertension rheodism;
  • Neurological diseases – multiple sclerosis, transverse myelitis, tremorous paralysis, epilepsy of the frontal lobe, diseases of the spinal cord, central nervous system tumors, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, peripheral nervous system disease, general paresis, spinal cord dysfunction;
  • Pharmacological effects – alcohol and other substances that cause addiction (heroin, methadone, morphine, cocaine, phenamine, barbiturates), intended for the treatment of drugs (psychotropic substances, antihypertensive, extra genes, antiandrogens);
  • Poisoning – lead, herbicides;
  • Surgical operations – perineal prostatectomy, abdominal-perineal colonectomy, sympathectomy (often prevents ejaculation), aortic ankle-joint anastomosis, radical cystectomy, retroperitoneal lymphadenectomy;
  • Mixed diseases – radiation therapy, pelvic fracture, every serious systemic disease or exhausting condition. antiandrogens);

Side effects of drugs may interfere with sexual function in a variety of ways, both in men and in women. Castration (ovarian or testicle removal) does not always lead to sexual dysfunction depending on the subject. Erection may occur after castration. Reflex arc, excited by stimulation of the internal surfaces of the thighs, acts through the sacral part of the spinal cord to the centers of erection, which causes this phenomenon.

The best sexologist in Delhi described one type of impotence as the result of an inability to reconcile with the feeling of affection or desire for the same woman. Such men can only have sexual intercourse with a woman who is believed to be humiliated. Other factors that can lead to impotence are a punitive superstitious, inability to believe, a feeling that the partner does not meet his desire or that he is not desirable for the partner.