Tag Archives: sex doctor in Delhi

sexual satisfaction

Healthy Lifestyle Habits And Sexual Satisfaction

Our sexual satisfaction is related, among other things, to the lifestyle we have. And for a better quality of erectile and vascular function, it is essential that we take into account some aspects that in general, we do not pay much attention to.

An article published in the International Journal of Impotence Research entitled Lifestyle and metabolic approaches to maximizing erectile and vascular health summarizes the fundamental care to take into account.

Within those routines that favor or harm sexuality, we can consider some very important such as: diet, physical activity, sleep, free time management, social life, tobacco, alcohol, and drug consumption.

Healthy diets and sexual satisfaction

A healthy and balanced diet is the first condition for a healthy body and mind, and in that sense we will sometimes require the advice of nutritionists or even medical experts in obesity, to adapt the diet to the particular circumstances. It is particularly important to reduce the consumption of fat and sugar in food. In the case of diseases such as diabetes, as well as when cholesterol or triglyceride levels are above normal levels, we need a specific diet and treatment. All these factors, frequently reflected in increased abdominal fat, increase the risk of erectile dysfunction.

As a dietary supplement, and always thinking about the stimulation of nitric oxide –key in erectile function, the usual consumption of antioxidants –such as vitamins C and E and the same green tea, omega 3, and folic acid is recommended. The sex doctor in Delhi is the one who will indicate the recommended doses for each person.

Physical activity

Physical activity appropriate to the age, gender, and characteristics of the body is a factor that is becoming more and more important for our sexual satisfaction. Exercise produces general well-being and a whole series of specific advantages that together favor sexual performance. In fact, physical activity increases the production of nitric oxide and improves blood circulation at a general level and also in the corpora cavernosa of the penis. And on the contrary, a sedentary lifestyle is a predisposing factor for different acute and chronic diseases, which is detrimental to sexual satisfaction.

The importance of good rest

Sleep is another of the really important habits, and perhaps one of the least we put on the balance. We need to rest a certain amount of hours – and that is also specific to each organism – and that it also be a real rest, not just close our eyes. Many medical and psychological illnesses stem from sleep disorders, including sexual dysfunctions. If the sleep is not really restorative, let’s not stop making the respective consultations to solve this problem.


How to have a stronger and longer orgasm: breathing is the secret

Studies show that breathing properly can reduce anxiety and stress levels in the body, positively influence sleep and even contribute to lower blood pressure. But the benefits don’t stop there: pulling and releasing the air correctly makes pleasure easier, making female and male orgasms longer and stronger. The idea is espoused mainly by sex specialist in Delhi. Professionals then teach you how to develop more conscious breathing in everyday life and apply the technique in moments:

Pull and release

“Breathing is responsible for the flow of energy in the body. It brings presence, relaxation, and movement. If we don’t do it the right way, our vitality is low,” explains Dr. P K Gupta, a sexologist in Delhi. When we are stressed or anxious, breathing tends to become shorter and faster. In this way, air reaches the lungs, but not the diaphragm. When the same happens during sex, it makes the pleasure more difficult. “The wrong way to pull airlocks the cycle that leads to orgasm, ” he says. Start training before “The ideal is to breathe consciously before, during and after intercourse,” says sexologist doctor in Delhi.

Start training before

“The ideal is to breathe consciously before, during and after intercourse,” says the best sexologist in Delhi. She points to a simple way to get started on her own: “Pull the air for seven seconds and release it through both nostrils. This already helps in activating the five senses that are essential for sexual involvement,” he teaches. Dr. P K Gupta also has tips for beginners: “Lie on an exercise mat and bend your legs. Leave your hips firmly on the floor and your feet together. Relax your arms, shoulders, neck, and head. Then join knee to knee. and contract one thigh into the other. Do this for at least five minutes. During that time, take long breaths and then let the air out of your throat, “he teaches.

The second part of the exercise is designed to discover the vibration points of the body. “Slowly spread your bent legs. You will feel some parts quiver as if they were muscle spasms. Allow them to come and go alone, watching the sensation. Gradually the vibrations will happen not only in the abdomen but also in the head. and elsewhere, “he says. The idea is to prepare the body to expand the sensations, using breathing as a basis.

“This way, during sex, the person can focus the energy not only on the genitals but on the whole body,” he details. According to the sex doctor in Delhi, this expands the orgasmic sensation. “So pleasure comes slowly. So it comes intensely and lasts longer,” sexologist concludes.

Breathtaking sex?

In fact, ideally, instead of taking your breath away from each other, the couple gets plenty of air even during orgasm. To increase female pleasure in sexual intercourse, the doctor’s tip is to interleave pompous exercises (contracting and relaxing the pelvic floor muscles) with breathing. “A tip during intercourse is to let out all the air and leave your lungs empty for a moment.

Meanwhile, contract your buttocks and thighs tightly. Then relax and breathe normally, feeling the pleasures of your whole body. And when the orgasm arrives, the idea is to release all the energy along with the air. “Instead of breathing quickly, taking long breaths in and out helps prolong sensation,” he says.

erectile dysfunction treatment in Delhi

When erectile dysfunction affects young men

It is associated with older men, but what can those who suffer it in the ‘flower’ of their youth do?

Erection problems in men are considered as an issue that concerns him exclusively affecting his good sexual performance and family life, however, male sexual disorders such as erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation could be overcome more easily if you have the emotional support of the couple.

“These disorders usually occur with a higher incidence in men of 40 years and only 20% go to a specialist. The most common reaction of men suffering from the disease is to deny it out of fear of shame, trusting that the problem will resolve itself, affecting their relationship, as they will begin to blame it for not feeling interested, becoming part of the problem and not in a help, “says Dr. P K Gupta, Best Sexologist in Delhi.

The main causes of sexual dysfunction are due to organic factors, however, the aggressive position of the couple before a sexual disorder worsens the situation making it a psychological problem, therefore, as soon as any anomaly is detected it is important that together they go to an expert, to evaluate what type of treatment should be followed.

Most men live worried about their manhood and failing in erections is seen as a blow to their masculinity. Sometimes, when the dysfunction occurs in men of advanced age, the problem seems to be much less than if it occurs in a man who is in his 20 or 30 years.

The young person and the young adult worry if they see that this happens to them frequently, because they are not “old” enough to lose their virility. However, there are several factors that influence whether this happens or that it is repeated frequently.

Dr. Gupta, Sexologist in Delhi shares some of the most frequent concerns of young people when erectile dysfunction touches their lives.

What happens when the problem occurs in young people, why it happens and how to handle it? 

In those ages “virility” is something that usually worries a lot and this is a disorder that is largely associated with older men.

The majority of cases in young patients are associated with psychological factors such as stress and anxiety about their sexual performance. However, it must be ruled out that there is no major physical problem, which is why it is always recommended to consult an expert sex doctor in Delhi.

How do you explain that you can have a good erection but at any moment this is lost?

When a person usually has good erections and these are lost in specific occasions there may be a behavioral or psychological factor associated as for example, problems of a couple, lack of adequate stimulation or monotony in sexual life. Although the doctor insists that physical factors should always be ruled out as a venous leak, among others.

What psychological factors can influence erectile dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction in more than 90% of cases has a basic physical / organic factor that must be detected and treated. Any case of dysfunction is usually associated with psychological factors that can be worsened in greater or lesser amounts by factors such as work stress, anxiety to achieve a good sexual performance, couple problems, feelings of guilt associated with relationships outside the stable and low partner. self-esteem.

Many men feel recriminated by their partner when the relationships are not satisfactory because of erectile dysfunction. This is why it is recommended that couples support each other and make an early consultation to not let this condition advance.

What to do when the preoccupation of having a good erection precisely does not allow having it?

The ideal for these cases is integral management that includes: drugs that support the quality of the erection and psychotherapeutic support that allows improving the basic condition.

According to studies, the prevalence of the disease from 40 years is up to 40%, so the probability of suffering some degree of dysfunction increases with the passage of time.

The sex specialist in Delhi also offers some strategies for couples to successfully face erectile dysfunction.

Conquer each other: a romantic dinner or a trip to a hotel for a night without children can be good ideas.

Face the problem in dialogue with your partner: It is useless to ignore the issue, in this situation communication is key and should try to be as honest as possible to be able to find the most appropriate solution. Do not look for culprits, this can generate greater rejection. It is better to face the issue as a couple.

Change the sexual routine: Over the years the tendency of many couples is to fall into routine and boredom making contact with your partner in an obligation more than satisfaction.

Look for a solution as soon as possible: Like everything in health, sexual problems should be corrected or treated as soon as possible. In most cases when a sexual dysfunction arises and is not treated, it tends to get worse, making it harder to treat and heal.