Tag Archives: erectile dysfunction

impotence capital of the world

With Hesitation around Sexual Problems, India Has Become Impotence Capital of the World

In the world, India is considered the youngest country because of the population ratio of young people. But now India is also recognized as the Impotence Capital of the World due to the rise of cases of erectile dysfunction. In India talking about sexuality is still taboo and people refrain to discuss it with others.

Erectile dysfunction is a sexual problem in which men do not get sufficient erection in Penis during sex to penetrate or the penis become lump right before sex making it difficult to continue to sexual activities. It leaves both men and women dissatisfied.

Progress in the medical field has made erectile dysfunction treatment available and successful but still, most men avoid consulting sexologists for this problem.

According to statistics, around 30% of men in the age group below 40 years and around 20% of men in the population experience or suffer from erectile dysfunction in India. It is a big number and increasing day by day due to shyness about seeking guidance and treatment of erectile dysfunction.

Erectile dysfunction can happen due to several other health issues like BP, Neurological Problems, Depression, Anxiety, Stress, Cardio-vascular Problems, Prostate Disease, and many more reasons. So early diagnosis can identify the exact cause of erectile dysfunction and can help you recover and regain confidence and erection.

Treatment options for erectile dysfunction include diet changes, exercises, medicines, counseling. These methods help people to overcome erectile dysfunction and enjoy the life ahead.

In my clinic, daily I meet people affected with some sorts of sexual dysfunction and most of the men are facing erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation. Fortunately, these people are courageous enough to seek help and get treatment before health and family situations get worse.

The author Dr. P K Gupta is a well-renowned sexologist in Delhi, India for counseling and treatment of all sexual problems including erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, low sperm count, low libido, STDs. Call 9319436400 to connect with him or Book Appointment

Dr P K Gupta Super Specialty Clinic

1B, 2nd Floor, Metro Tower, Rajinder Nagar
New Delhi, Delhi 110060, India
Phone: 09319436400

Monday 10:00 AM – 8:30 PM
Tuesday 10:00 AM – 8:30 PM
Wednesday 10:00 AM – 8:30 PM
Thursday 10:00 AM – 8:30 PM
Friday 10:00 AM – 8:30 PM
Saturday 10:00 AM – 8:30 PM
Sunday 11:00 AM – 3:30 PM
erectile dysfunction treatment in Delhi

ED: Provoke The Occasion

Erectile dysfunction (ED) occurs when a man has difficulty getting or maintaining an erection sufficient to have sex. About thirty million Indians suffer from ED. It may affect self-esteem and put the love relationship to the test.

If you have ED, you may wonder, “Why me?” ED is often caused by physiological problems. An erection requires both blood vessels and a healthy nervous system. Heart disease, diabetes, blood clots are all likely to damage blood vessels and cause ED. Surgery, diabetes, a spinal cord injury, multiple sclerosis, or a stroke can damage nerves and decrease erection ability. Low testosterone can also cause erectile dysfunction, possibly due to a lack of sexual appetite, which would explain why drugs to treat erectile dysfunction such as sildenafil (Viagra®), tadafil (Cialis®), and vardenafil (Levitra®) are not effective for some men. In a study of 75 men between the ages of 18 and 80 who had low testosterone levels and for whom sildenafil had no effect, testosterone replacement therapy significantly improved their erectile dysfunction.

ED is sometimes caused by psychological factors such as anxiety, depression, performance anxiety or guilt. In other cases, it is the side effect of a medication. Antidepressants, lithium, digoxin, cimetidine, and antipsychotics are all likely to cause ED. Smoking is also linked to the risks of erectile dysfunction.

Most ED cases can be treated. Treatment options include:

  • Oral medications, including sildenafil (Viagra), tadafil (Cialis) and vardenafil (Levitra). They are practical, but they are not suitable for all men (for example those with low blood pressure or those who take nitrates). They can also cause headaches, dizziness, hot flashes, vision problems, and priapism (a prolonged painful erection that lasts for hours, even without stimulation) which can damage the penis.
  • Medicines injected into the penis (injection of alprostadil [Caverject ® ]), or inserted into the urethra (pellets of alprostadil [MUSE ® ]). It is an option for men who cannot take oral medication. They can also cause priapism.
  • Devices (such as vacuum pumps). These devices create a vacuum that draws blood into the penis, causing an erection. A constriction device (compression ring) is placed at the base of the penis to hold blood in the penis. Constrictors are used with or without a vacuum pump, but should not be left in position for more than 30 minutes. These devices offer an alternative to men who do not tolerate any medication.
  • Surgery to insert a prosthesis (a rigid or inflatable rod that causes an erection). Because of the risks of surgery (including infection, hemorrhage, and reactions to anesthesia) this procedure is reserved for cases where no other treatment has been found to be effective.

If ED is caused by low testosterone, testosterone replacement therapy may help. Testosterone is available in patches, gel, injections, and tablets. For more information, see the section “When you lose your sexual appetite”. If your ED is caused by the side effects of a medication, sexologist in Delhi will probably suggest that you replace it with another that is less likely to cause this effect.

premature ejaculation

Premature Ejaculation, Partner Perception

When we talk about premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, and other sexual problems, we generally think of them from an individual perspective: the man’s anxiety, his masturbation methods, some trauma in his sexual history, or his failed methods of controlling arousal. However, it is difficult for us to incorporate the gaze of the couple that, from a systematic thought, is part of the problem as well as the solution.

A study that conducted online surveys of 1,463 women with an age range between 20 and 50 years, shows a direct relationship between the perception of premature ejaculation and satisfaction with the relationship of the couple and sexual life. The negative stress that occurs in women as a result of the short time that elapses between penetration and ejaculation of the man, is also a cause of the breakdown of the couple’s relationship.

The conclusions of the aforementioned study are found in an article published in 2014 by the Journal of Sexual Medicine, entitled The perception of premature ejaculation by women and its impact on the breakdown of the relationship, quality of the relationship and sexual satisfaction. Considering that studies have always focused on the impact of premature ejaculation in men, the information contained in this article is very original and quite valuable.

In the research that –as we saw- studies women from very different cultures, several instruments were used such as the Index of Female Sexual Function, the Female Sexual -Distress Scale, the Couple Relationship Assessment Scale, and other questionnaires.

Some of the most important conclusions are:

  • In women who considered the control of their partner’s ejaculation as very important or extremely important (40% of them), the negative stress associated with premature ejaculation increased. This occurs as a consequence not only of the short duration of intercourse , but also because of the little attention that their partners paid to other sexual needs such as caresses or kisses.
  • A high percentage of female partners of men with premature ejaculation had at least one sexual problem such as loss of desire (49.8%) or sexual dissatisfaction (41.3%). In two thirds of them, the sexual problem did not exist before the start of the current relationship.
  • Almost a quarter of the women surveyed revealed that a man’s premature ejaculation problem had previously led to the breakdown of relationships. The more important the duration of sexual intercourse for a woman, the more likely she is to be motivated to end her relationship with a man who suffers from premature ejaculation.
  • A quarter of the women surveyed indicated that their sexual dissatisfaction was the consequence of their partner paying more attention to the sexual problem than to the erotic relationship, losing the ability to create different sexual games and falling into monotony.

Definitely, when we treat premature ejaculation we must include the couple – as far as possible – since this intervention will give us more chances of success and effectiveness. If we listen to the couple, we inform them about the characteristics of the problem and the treatment and we explain how they can collaborate and be part of the process, we will be able to reduce their psychological discomfort and, indirectly, take the pressure off the man with premature ejaculation. On the other hand, as professionals sexologist in Delhi should not focus only on prolonging the times of intercourse, but also on the erotic enrichment of the couple, stimulating variants in their sexual scripts.

top sexologist in Delhi

Do you have erection difficulties? Problem is heart disease alert

In addition to affecting a man’s self-esteem and mental health, erection problems can be an indicator that something is not right with his heart. According to sexologist in Delhi, individuals with erectile dysfunction are twice as likely to have heart problems.

What is the connection of the penis to the heart?

Erection is a vascular process and depends on the proper functioning of the heart. “For it to occur, there is the filling of small blood vessels that form the cavernous bodies of the penis”, explains cardiologist. Therefore, many factors associated with artery and heart problems can also cause sexual dysfunction.

Among the most common conditions that can both affect your erection and lead to cardiovascular disease are:

  • Hyperlipidemia (excess of fat particles in the blood);
  • Atherosclerosis (stiffening of the arteries due to the accumulation of plaques);
  • High blood pressure;
  • Diabetes;
  • Smoking.

In addition, problems such as high stress, anxiety, and depression can favor both problems.

Penis problems come before

Erectile dysfunction usually appears before heart problems. One explanation is that the arteries in the penis are thinner than those in the heart and, therefore, are affected first. “Studies show that erectile dysfunction can set in up to five years before a coronary artery problem,” says Sidney Glina, a urologist at Albert Einstein Hospital.

For the same reason, erectile dysfunction also indicates the risk of obstruction of other arteries in the body. “There may be an obstruction of the ones that irrigate the legs, causing peripheral arterial insufficiency”, warns best sexologist in Delhi.

How to prevent  Maintaining good habits is essential to ensure that your heart and penis work at full throttle. The main recommendations to avoid these problems – and several other diseases – are:

  • Avoid overweight;
  • Do physical activity regularly;
  • Control blood pressure, cholesterol and glucose;
  • Have healthy eating habits;
  • Quitting addictions like smoking;
  • Moderate alcohol consumption;
  • Reduce stress.

“It is also very important that men allow themselves to be evaluated periodically (at least once a year) by a doctor they trust”, says cardiologist. This is because both the diagnosis of erectile dysfunction and that of cardiovascular disease can be made from periodic medical evaluations, even if there are still no symptoms.


Normally, sexologist doctor in Delhi deals with erectile dysfunction and cardiology deals with cardiovascular problems. But there must be an integration between professionals. “If the treatments are not done together, when trying to solve one problem, you can further complicate the other,” warns sex specialist in Delhi.

In order not to put your heart at risk, identifying the cause of erectile dysfunction is very important. “There are very specific tests that seek to identify the type and degree of impairment, which are also used to assess the response to the type of medication that can be used,” says sexologist in Delhi.

Even if the problems of erectile dysfunction are controlled, the man cannot help looking for a cardiologist. “The risk factors may continue to exist. Solving one problem does not mean that the other will not occur,” says sexologist in Delhi.

Care in treatment

When there are both cardiovascular problems and sexual dysfunction, the risks, and benefits of each medication are evaluated with special attention. And, if there are a need and possibility, medications that have more interaction are exchanged.

“Some erection pills (type 5 phosphodiesterase inhibitors), which are the most used treatment for erectile dysfunction, are contraindicated for use in conjunction with nitrate-based drugs,” explains sexologist in Delhi.

That’s because nitrate-based cardiac medications are potent vasodilators and when added to the dilating effects of the erection pills can cause hypotension (drop in pressure), leading to low blood flow to the heart and brain – and causing fainting, malaise.


Sexual Impotence And Infertility: Is There A Relationship Between Them?

Sexology takes care of both fertility and male sexuality issues. Infertility is related to the difficulty (or impossibility) of having children. Already impotence occurs when there are problems of erection or libido. But do these two themes have anything to do with each other? Are patients with infertility more likely to have erectile dysfunction and vice versa?

Sexual impotence affects all ages, and in each of them, the reason is different. Patients up to 35 years of age usually do not have chronic diseases and their problem is usually related to psychological factors.

The older the patient, the greater the incidence of diseases such as diabetes and hypertension (main causes of sexual impotence). In addition, dietary factors (excessive consumption of foods with high cholesterol, sugar and triglycerides), bad lifestyle (smoking, alcoholism, obesity and drug use) and hormonal factors (low testosterone and thyroid disorders) complete the picture cause of sexual problems.

In addition to clinical problems, many surgeries also affect the male sexual part: surgeries of the prostate, penis and the entire pelvic region, in addition to spinal trauma. Treatment is based on lifestyle changes and control of chronic diseases.

Infertility affects at least 10% of couples worldwide. It is defined when the couple tries for more than 1 year to have children without success. Despite increasing with the couple’s age, there are numerous factors that contribute to its greater incidence: smoking, alcoholism, drugs, anabolics, oncological therapies such as radio and chemotherapy, pelvic and testicular surgeries, increased cholesterol, triglyceride, blood glucose and hormonal changes (low testosterone and thyroid disorders are the most common).

Did you notice how similar are the factors that cause infertility and sexual dysfunction? It is no coincidence that laboratory research, physical examination (and even the entire consultation) are practically identical for investigating the two themes.

They are different, anxious and different subjects, but they tend to affect the same patient. Do your check-up annually sexologist in Delhi and be forewarned. When prevention is not possible, at least it is possible to make an early diagnosis, which will determine a more efficient treatment.

erectile dysfunction and cardio vascular disorders

Erectile Dysfunction And Cardio-Vascular Disorders

Cardiovascular disease can affect the patient’s sex life in several ways.

If the patient has had a myocardial infarction, he or his partner might be afraid that physical exertion during sexual intercourse will trigger another infarction.

Cardiac diseases are also associated with different factors that may increase the risk of erectile dysfunction and make treatment more difficult:

  • Atherosclerosis can affect the blood flow to the penis, causing the appearance of difficulties in obtaining an erection. Smoking worsens this situation and quitting smoking should always be a priority;
  • Many of the medicines used to treat high blood pressure such as beta-blockers, thiazides, diuretics, and clonidine can contribute to erectile dysfunction;
  • some, but not all of the statins and fibrates used to treat hypercholesterolemia can have a minor effect on erection.

The physical exertion during a sexual act does not exceed that of climbing four floors in a walking step, that is if the patient takes things at a slower pace.

If the patient can climb four floors without breathing difficulties, significant palpitations or severe chest pain (angina), then he or she may have risk-free sexual activity.

The risk due to sexual activity in men with heart disease is minimal if the patient is properly evaluated and treated. So, patients who have had a myocardial infarction and are afraid of having sexual activity are advised to consult with their cardiologist.


Treatment of erectile dysfunction and heart disease

First, the sexologist in Delhi will evaluate if it is safe for the patient to have sexual activity, then decide the most appropriate treatment after explaining the advantages and disadvantages of the patient. Not all erectile dysfunction treatment in Delhi are suitable for men with heart disease.

Oral treatment: Cialis, Levitra, and Viagra

These medicines are not suitable for men with heart conditions who take nitrates, treatment for angina or heart failure.

It should not be given to men with conditions for whom sexual activity is not recommended, such as severe heart failure and unstable angina.

Cialis should not be taken by men with angina or with an irregular heart rate if heart disease is not controlled by drugs, or by men whose angina is triggered by sexual activity. It is inappropriate for men who have had a myocardial infarction in the past 90 days or for those who have had a stroke or heart failure in the last 6 months.

Levitra should not be taken by men who have had a myocardial infarction or stroke in the last 6 months.

Viagra should not be taken within the first 4 weeks after a heart attack or stroke. When Viagra was introduced to the market, there were complaints from men with heart problems that had serious side effects. Studies since then show that Viagra does not increase the risk of myocardial infarction or sudden death and is a safe treatment for many men with heart disease.

Patients with severe heart disease

Erectile dysfunction occurs frequently in men with heart disease, but all treatments for erectile dysfunction are considered inappropriate for patients with severe conditions, for whom sexual activity is prohibited.

The problem is not the treatment, but if the sexual activity puts too much pressure on the sick heart.

Patients with more severe heart disease will be referred to a cardiologist who will evaluate the disease and determine if sexual activity is allowed to the patient.

A patient with severe heart disease will first need treatment for stabilizing heart disease and then one for erectile dysfunction.

natural remedies for impotence

Natural Remedies For Impotence

The word impotence might seem like the equivalent of a failure, a weakness. Men suffering from impotence may at one point feel that their dignity, masculinity, and integrity would be affected. However, you should not feel this way, as impotence or erectile dysfunction can be improved with treatment.


Impotence can sometimes be caused simply by a bad diet. If you have noticed that certain foods cause diarrhea or constipation, avoid them. Alcohol can diminish sexual desire and may result in impotence. Coffee can have a negative effect on the sexual organs. Even by consuming tobacco products, debilitating reactions can occur, as such, stay away from them.

Check the adverse effects of the medicines you are using

A variety of medications can cause erectile dysfunction, including those for high blood pressure, antihistamines, antidepressants, tranquilizers, appetite suppressant drugs, but also some medicines used to treat gastrointestinal diseases. Ask your sexologist in Delhi to find out which of the medicines you are using may contribute to erectile dysfunction, to replace them.

Don’t focus on performance

It is not unusual for a man to have an occasional episode of premature ejaculation, after drinking or after a particularly stressful day. However, if the event becomes the main concern and fears arise that it may recur, anxiety itself may become a cause of erection difficulties.

Changing behavior can remedy the situation. A recommended strategy for therapists is to engage the couple in intimate, but non-sexual, touch. Gradually, after a period of time, depending on the couple, there will be first sexual touching and eventually sexual contact. The idea is that sexual activity seems like a less threatening experience.

Express your feelings

Marital or relational difficulties can contribute to sexual problems. Anger, resentment and negative emotions will often spill over into sexual life, turning the bedroom into a battleground. These situations can develop especially if the partners do not communicate. Share your feelings with your partner declaratively and try to focus on your emotions and feelings rather than the actions of the partner. By freeing yourself, your sex life will improve, suggests sexologist in Delhi.

natural remedies for impotence

Talk about sex

Sometimes erection problems occur because the man simply does not feel aroused. In this case, the sexologist in Delhi tries to get patients to discuss as openly as possible about their sexual relationship with their partners, what they like and don’t like, what they would like to experience. Also, to avoid conflicts and hurt feelings, the solution would be direct and objective statements. Expose your point of view rather firmly, than aggressively.


Include zinc in your diet. Low levels of zinc can lead to erectile dysfunction and impotence. Foods rich in zinc are mussels and oysters, whole grains, beans, and even table salt. If you have diabetes and have had digestive disorders in the past or suffer from liver or kidney disease, your zinc level should be supplemented.

Indian ginseng

Indian ginseng or ashwagandha has been used for centuries as a natural fighter against impotence. It is considered that the plant increases resistance and energy and improves general sexual function. Although Indian ginseng can cause drowsiness, it may be helpful for those who are experiencing impotence.


Specialists in reflexology claim that they can act in two ways against impotence. With the pressure of the thumb, the pressure will be applied in certain reflex points or energy channels located inside and outside the ankle. According to the principles of reflexology these points correspond to the reproductive organs in the body.

This action stimulates blood supply to the penis and encourages erection. Reflex therapy works by stimulating the nerve pathways that lead to the brain. This reduces the rate of respiration in the heart and lungs, reducing stress.

Although reflex therapy is not widely used to treat impotence in men, there is no reason why it might not be helpful. Impotence caused by stress can lead to a lack of blood supply to the penis. By stimulating the correct reflex points, the blood circulation in the penis will be improved and the erection will start.

Cinnamon, Cloves, and Ginger

Sexologist in Delhi believes that by consuming these spices, the blood will warm up on its own. These can intensify the circulation of the entire body, including the penis area. Although there is no clinical evidence to prove that cinnamon, ginger, and cloves can cure impotence, ancient civilizations have used these spices as aphrodisiacs for centuries to warm blood.

Quitting smoking

In smokers, there are two times higher odds than non-smokers to have impotence. Shortly after a cigarette is lit, nicotine circulates through the blood, and blood vessel constriction occurs.

Smoking interferes with a mechanism that stops the blood from flowing through the penis: without this, the erection cannot be sustained. Long-term damage includes the accumulation of fat deposits in the arteries of the penis, and blood flow to the penis will be restricted. Smoking increases the risk of erectile dysfunction by approximately 50% for men between the ages of 30-40 years.

Other important risk factors are diabetes, high cholesterol, and drugs used to treat high blood pressure.


How to know if you have male sexual impotence?

Sex is an important part of the life of a large part of the adult population. But not everyone enjoys as much as he would like. This can happen for different reasons and can be the source of problems of couple, discouragement, low self-esteem or depression. Therefore, it is important that they are treated once they are detected. So, in this article, we will see how to recognize if you suffer from male sexual impotence and what to do if this happens.

What is male sexual impotence?

The male sexual impotence, also called erectile dysfunction, is the inability to achieve and maintain an erection long enough for sexual intercourse to enjoy satisfactorily.

It is one of those problems that has been taboo throughout history, although paradoxically there are many men who suffer from it. It would be good to distinguish between a punctual situation and something that happens frequently or even whenever you try to maintain relationships.

The sexual impotence is physical, ie, you can have the intense desire to have a sexual encounter, but either did not get an erection or not remains to complete the act.

What reasons exist for male sexual impotence?

There are various causes that can cause impotence, some physical and other emotional or mental. Let’s see the main ones:

  • Age. Age is a determining factor. According to sexologist in Delhi, from the age of 60 up to 40% of men suffer from erectile dysfunction. While after 70 years the number of affected rises above 50%.
  • Blood circulation. Different diseases that cause circulatory problems can prevent enough blood from reaching the penis, and therefore an erection can occur.
  • Psychological causes. One of the most frequent reasons for dysfunction is psychological problems, from depression to stress. For example, in the latter case, when you have a state of tension, blood cortisol levels increase. The increase in this hormone causes your body to be prepared to overcome a stressful situation, however, at the same time, it causes that the erection cannot be achieved.
  • Medicines. There are some medications that directly cause erection problems. For example, those used for high voltage. It is because as they lower the tension they also reduce the blood flow. Something that, as we saw in the previous point, causes less blood to reach the penis and that is why it is difficult to achieve an erection.
  • Drugs and alcohol. Drugs and alcohol abuse is never good, nor in these cases. In fact, contrary to what some people think this type of consumption is one of the most common causes of erectile dysfunction.
  • Unknown origin. Sometimes the origin of your impotence is unknown, you may not have it, or the sexologist doctor in Delhi who treats you has not managed to find out the reason. In these cases, it is usually more complicated to find the right treatment.

How to know if you suffer sexual impotence?

Recognizing that one suffers from sexual impotence is difficult not only with the couple, with friends or with the sexologist in Delhi but also with oneself. Although as we said before it is a taboo subject, almost all men, if not the totality, have suffered in their lives a case of punctual impotence, even more than one.

Of course, having one or two episodes does not require saying that you suffer from sexual impotence. But beware, you must be very careful here There is a point that we did not mention in the previous section, but that can also be the origin of impotence, oneself.

This reason may have left you a little out of place, so sexologist in Delhi will explain below what we mean by this. When you suffer one or more episodes of impotence and you start to think about this issue, you may be convinced that you have erectile dysfunction, and then you are unable to achieve an erection. Try to prevent this from happening to you.

One way to know is suffering from sexual impotence is to try to stimulate yourself sexually, if you are healthy and everything is going well, the erection will arrive without a problem. If you do not get it, and this happens for a few days or weeks, and you are that time if you achieve an erection, you probably have a problem.


Erectile Dysfunction and Smoking

Tobacco is a major risk factor for the cardiovascular system, and by incurring a malfunction of the circulatory system, it can cause erectile dysfunction problems. Tobacco causes arteriosclerosis – a narrowing of the arteries that can lead to occlusion of the blood vessel, preventing the proper flow of blood through them – and therefore, can affect the erection response in men. 27.2% of men with problems having sex are directly related to the cardiovascular problems caused by tobacco, according to the best sexologist in Delhi Dr. P  K Gupta dedicated to the treatment of male sexual dysfunctions.

As we know the erection of man is a phenomenon of flows, and one of the great causes of erectile dysfunction is poor blood circulation. “ Regardless of age, if a man consumes a pack of cigarettes a day for more than a year, he is likely to face erection problems when having sex, ” explains sexologist in Delhi.

In smoking patients, blood circulation is reduced in the penile arteries due to substances such as nicotine (a chemical component found in tobacco), and as a consequence, it experiences a lower response to the stimulation of substances that cause an erection.

Effects of tobacco in men:

  1. Tobacco alters the synthesis of nitric oxide, which is the main substance to relax the cavernous smooth muscle of the penis and promote erection.
  2. It produces in the arteries the vascular spasm effect and this causes arteriosclerosis and arterial hypertension. Complicates the state of health in general. Cardiovascular problems are directly related to the ability to have a healthy sex life.
  3. Nicotine causes macrophage migration – immune system cells that are in the tissues of blood migration, so the risk of thrombosis is increased.

Follow-up studies show that men who quit smoking recover their sexual life quite normally, but still there is a risk of suffering from more acute erectile dysfunction, as a result of prolonged exposure to the harmful effects of tobacco.

erectile dysfunction treatment in Delhi

An Active Sex Life Reduces The Risk of Erectile Dysfunction

Dr. P K Gupta a sexologist in Delhi dedicated to the treatment of male sexual dysfunctions, recalls that practicing regular sex helps preserve sexual health at maturity and prevent problems of erectile and cardiovascular dysfunctions. According to a recent study, men who have sex less than once a week are twice as likely to develop an erectile dysfunction problem in the next five years, compared to those who did it at less once a week

This study was carried out with a group of about 1000 men, aged between 55 and 75 years of age. The report revealed that men who had had sex 3 or more times a week were up to 4 times less likely to develop erectile dysfunction pathology, compared to men who had less than one relationship a week.

“Maintaining sexual intercourse often involves good exercise to keep the blood circulation and elasticity of the arteries and corpora cavernosa in good condition,” explains Dr. P K Gupta, the best sexologist in Delhi, “which facilitates good condition and functioning of the cardiovascular system and decreases the probability of developing an erectile dysfunction problem. ”

Cardiovascular Benefits

A healthy and full sexual life also entails other benefits for the organism since having sex accelerates the heart rate in a healthy way and improving the general state of the arteries. In addition, for Dr. P K Gupta it is important to emphasize that “the release of super dismutase oxide that occurs when having sex helps eliminate the toxic enzymes that our body produces with stress so that it helps people reduce their anxiety levels, and prevents premature aging of our body. ”