
Balanitis: What it is, Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

The external organs of the reproductive system, both female and male, are very sensitive structures that, although they have their own means of protection, are highly susceptible to infections or diseases like balanitis. Especially if you do not carry out adequate intimate hygiene.

One of these diseases, perhaps the most common in men, is balanitis. A condition that causes inflammation of the foreskin and can become really uncomfortable. In this article, the sexologist in Delhi will describe what balanitis is and what its symptoms, causes, and treatment are.

What is balanitis?

In men, balanitis is a physical condition that consists of inflammation of the glans or the head of the penis and that may be caused by an infection, by fungi in the penis or by the anatomy of the penis itself. Although it is not a serious illness, it can be annoying, uncomfortable and sometimes painful.

However, if left untreated, you can develop some complications such as scarring on the opening of the penis, painful retraction of the foreskin and inadequate blood supply to the penis.

Although it has several possible causes, one of the main risk factors for balanitis is phimosis. In this condition, the foreskin of the penis is smaller than desired, so it can exert a damaging pressure and increase the risk of infection.

This is a fairly common condition among the male sex. It is estimated that approximately 1 in 25 children and 1 in 30 uncircumcised men. Children under 4 years are at a higher risk of developing this condition. However, it can affect any man regardless of his age. In addition, at the age of 5, the foreskin becomes easier to retract and the risk of balanitis drops.

Finally, there are also cases of balanitis in women. However, these are much less frequent and consist of inflammation of the clitoris due to infection or repeated infections.

What symptoms do you manifest?

The main symptoms of balanitis are inflammation, swelling, and redness of the foreskin. There are also other signs or indicators of this condition, including:

  • The sensation of pressure in the foreskin

  • Genital itching

  • Genital pain

  • Difficulty and pain when urinating

Types of this infection

There are three different types that can be distinguished according to their origin and specific symptoms. The three types of balanitis are:

1. Zoon’s Balanitis

It is the most common type. This causes inflammation in the head of the penis and the foreskin. It usually affects men and women who have not been circumcised with greater incidence.

2. Circinated Balanitis

Circinate usually appears as a complication or side effect of reactive arthritis.

3. Keratotic Balanitis and Pseudoepithelioma

Finally, this third type is characterized by the appearance of scaly and warty skin lesions on the head of the penis.

Which can be the causes?

Balanitis is an inflammation commonly caused by infections or chronic skin conditions that can come from a number of conditions. The most common cause is candidiasis infection, that is, by fungus in the penis. Candidiasis is a sexually transmitted disease (STD) caused by the Candida fungus.

However, there are other sexually transmitted infections such as herpes simplex, chlamydia, and syphilis that may increase the risk of balanitis.

In the same way, inadequate hygiene can also contribute to the irritation of the skin of the penis. Both poor intimate hygiene and excessive cleaning in these areas can aggravate the problem.

In many cases, balanitis is caused by an overgrowth of bacteria. The typically humid and warm area under the foreskin provides an ideal environment for the growth of these organisms that trap the moisture around the head of the penis.

Finally, the use of scented soaps, lotions, aerosols, the consumption of certain types of laxatives, antibiotics or analgesics, as well as the chemical substances present in some preservatives, lubricants or spermicides, can also cause balanitis.

Risk factor’s

In addition to the possible causes of balanitis, there are some risk factors that can increase the chances of developing this infection.

The main risk factor for balanitis is another male condition known as phimosis. This occurs when the foreskin is too tight and it is difficult or impossible to retract it partially or totally on the glans. In these cases, sweat, urine and other substances can accumulate under the foreskin causing irritation and allowing germs to multiply.

On the other hand, men with diabetes also have a higher risk of getting or developing infections, especially if blood sugar levels are poorly controlled. If glucose is present in the urine, part of it can remain in the foreskin, which helps bacteria to grow faster.

Is there a treatment?

There are different treatments for balanitis. The choice of one type of treatment or another is made depending on the causes of this. In most cases, the sexologist in Delhi will advise the patient what topical substances to avoid and provide guidance on intimate care and hygiene.

Balanitis due to allergic reaction or irritation

If it is diagnosed based on the appearance of an allergic reaction or by irritation, the treatment will consist of the administration of mild steroid cream, such as hydrocortisone. In addition, antifungal drugs or antibiotics can also be prescribed by sexologist in Delhi to prevent the growth of bacteria.

During treatment, all soaps or possibly irritating products should be avoided until the symptoms have completely disappeared.


In the event that balanitis is caused by the Candida fungus, the sexologist in Delhi will prescribe an antifungal cream, such as miconazole or clotrimazole. In addition, it is recommended that the sexual partner also be treated and that all types of sexual intercourse be avoided during treatment.

Bacterial infection

Ultimately, if the infection is due to a bacterium, the treatment will consist of the administration of antibiotics, such as penicillin or erythromycin.

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