
Erectile Dysfunction in Young Man

The number of young people with Erectile Dysfunction has increased by 15%

The erectile dysfunction, also known with the acronym, is the inability to get and maintain an erection to allow sexual intercourse satisfactorily. This problem affects more and more men and at younger ages. This is due to changes in habits and lifestyles, as they increasingly recognize that they have the problem and seek help.

More and more young people suffer from erectile dysfunction

According to a study, the number of young patients who have sought help to solve the problem has increased by 15%. This increase is extracted from the treatments performed on more than 16,000 patients with ED since 2011.

A significant fact is that 1 in 4 patients is relatively young, less than 45 years old. This shows that, although this problem is associated with aging, it can appear at any age. Erectile dysfunction in young people is a reality more and more frequent. But what is behind this growing evil?

Why are there more cases of erectile dysfunction among young people?

One of the reasons that may be behind the cases of erectile dysfunction among young people may be the consumption of fake medicines. 50% of the medicines that are sold on the Internet are false.

In some cases, the false medicines have brought serious health problems to who have consumed them. After experiencing their ineffectiveness they finally choose to seek the help of professional doctors. Every day there are more people who come for help to recognized sexologist clinic in Delhi after having wasted their money.

In other cases, the reason for the dysfunction is related to bad habits, such as alcohol abuse, the use of drugs or the like. It is known that of the men treated by Dr. P K Gupta, the best sexologist in Delhi, 70% of patients between 26 and 35 years old consume alcohol and that 66% of those between 36 and 45 years old also do so. It has also been analyzed that 1 in 4 smoke.

Organic causes are usually behind most cases. 90% of those affected by ED have a health problem that triggers the dysfunction. For the most part, poor blood circulation prevents getting and maintaining erections for a reasonable time. Patients with hypertension, high cholesterol, obesity or diabetes are usually the most common cases.

The remaining 10% is mainly due to psychological problems. In the case of young people, the lack of experience to assume the pressures of life and the fear of not being up to date when they have sex are usually the most common causes. How young people can combat erectile dysfunction

To reduce the chances of suffering erectile dysfunction at a young age, or in the future, a series of recommendations can be followed. Even if you are not young, all that is recommended below can be beneficial to combat the problem.

  • Remove the snuff. The nicotine in cigarettes has many negative effects on the body. One of them is related to blood circulation since nicotine is vasoconstrictive. Interference in the blood flow also reaches the veins and arteries of the penis, which does not receive all the blood flow it needs and does not allow a hard and prolonged erection to occur. Do not wait for the problem to arise to quit tobacco. If you stop consuming, there will be immediate improvements. However, if you have this habit for a long time, it may be more difficult to recover, prolonging much longer than desired.
  • Do not abuse alcohol. Sporadic alcohol consumption does not represent significant risks to reach and maintain erections. A little alcohol can have a vasodilator effect that helps reduce anxiety and increase blood flow. However, the excess or habitual consumption of this can negatively influence the central nervous system and cause a lack of sexual appetite, leading to erectile dysfunction.
  • Avoid the use of drugs. Drugs are one of the most harmful substances for an erection. The negative effect it has on the central nervous system and can become permanent. In addition, they can act as vasoconstrictors, reducing the amount of blood that runs through the veins and arteries of the penis, causing serious difficulties for the penis to be erect or for the erection to last long enough to reach orgasm.
  • Follow a healthy diet. There are different ways to maintain good cardiovascular health. If they complement each other, it will be much more difficult for erectile dysfunction to occur. One of them is related to health. There are foods rich in saturated fats that increase cholesterol, others act as vasoconstrictors and some more general anxiety states. This is a problem for the vascular system and for the libido. If you avoid junk food, an industrial bakery, energy drinks and, on the contrary, consume a lot of fruit, vegetables and drink a lot of water, erections will be more frequent and lasting.
  • Practice physical exercise. Another way to improve the vascular system and therefore increase the blood supply to the penis is physical exercise. The capacity of dilatation of the blood vessels is improved and therefore the ability to keep the penis erect.
  • Maintain an active sex life. Training prevents atrophy. Sexual activity improves the organic properties of the penis. But not only that, but it is also favorable in the emotional aspect, self-esteem is improved and tensions are released, factors that also intervene in the erection.
  • Go to the specialist doctor. When a problem is detected, it is best to go to the sex specialist in Delhi as soon as possible. He will study the case and determine the degree of concern that needs to be shown. After a personalized study will inform of whether it is necessary to intervene and put some treatment that prevents the problem to go further.

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