Monthly Archives: December 2019


What can cause spots on the penis and what to do

The appearance of spots on the penis can seem like a frightening change, however, in most cases, it is not a sign of any serious problem, being almost always a natural change or appear due to an allergy.

However, whenever the stains remain for more than 2 or 3 days, it is important to consult a urologist to assess whether any specific treatment is necessary, in addition to normal hygiene of the intimate region.

It is only in very rare cases that the appearance of spots can indicate the development of cancer, and in these cases, the development of small wounds that do not heal is more common.

1. Poor hygiene

This is the most common cause of the appearance of red spots on the glans of the penis and is usually related to poor hygiene of the intimate region. However, it can also happen in men who play a lot of sport, due to the excessive production of sweat that facilitates the growth of bacteria.

What to do: it is important to maintain adequate daily hygiene of the intimate region, washing with a neutral pH soap and warm water, in addition to recommending the use of cotton underwear to facilitate the air circulation in the region. In the case of men with excessive sweat production, it may even be necessary to take two baths a day.

2. Allergy

The intimate area is a very sensitive part of the body, which can become inflamed due to contact with less natural substances, such as soaps or creams, for example. In these cases, it is common for the glans in the penis to inflame, causing redness or red spots of different sizes.

In addition to products that can be used in the intimate area, many men may also have allergies to some types of fabrics, especially when they are synthetic and do not allow the skin to breathe.

What to do: Avoid using products with many chemicals in the intimate area, as well as preferring to use cotton underwear, for example.

3. Candidiasis

In addition to poor hygiene and penile allergies, candidiasis is another major cause of red spots on the penis. Candidiasis is an infection by the fungus candida albicans that causes the appearance of red, purple or white spots, swelling and intense itching of the penis.

Although it is more common in women, it can also happen in men, especially when the immune system is weakened due to the flu or infection, for example.

What to do: Candidiasis needs to be treated with the use of antifungal ointments in addition to proper hygiene. In the most severe cases, you may need to take antifungal pills.

4. Use of antibiotics or anti-inflammatories

The use of anti-inflammatories, pain killers or antibiotics can have side effects that affect the intimate region. One of these effects is sometimes the development of red spots with a gray center on the penis. In these cases, they may still look like small bubbles or darker areas.

What to do: if you have started using a new medicine it is important to refer to the appearance of the stains to the doctor, to assess the need to change medication.

5. Pearly papules

Pearly papules are an inflammation of the Tyson glands found under the head of the penis and, although they are more frequent to cause small white pimples, there are men in whom this change is not very noticeable, and it is only possible to observe a lighter color change, being confused with small white spots.

What to do: the papules are a benign alteration that does not need treatment, however, if you change the aesthetics of the penis a lot, it is possible to discuss with the sexologist in Delhi the use of techniques such as cryotherapy or cauterization, for example.

6. Fordyce granules

The granules can cause small white or yellowish spots or pellets to appear on the head or body of the penis. This change is almost always benign and, therefore, should not be a cause for concern, being more frequent during adolescence.

What to do: no type of treatment is necessary, however, the sexologist in Delhi can recommend some creams with tretinoin that can eliminate these spots.

7. Syphilis

Syphilis is a serious sexually transmitted disease that can cause changes in the penis. One of the first changes is the development of a small lump that can be accompanied by a red, brown or dark spot.

Although this lesion may disappear after 4 to 5 weeks, it does not mean that the disease is cured, but that it is progressing to a more serious stage, where it will affect the entire body. Thus, it is important to start treatment as soon as possible.

What to do: If syphilis is suspected it is very important to go immediately to the general practitioner or sexologist in Delhi to confirm the diagnosis and start treatment with antibiotics, such as penicillin.


The 7 Most Effective Natural Aphrodisiac Foods

The aphrodisiac properties of certain natural products are often discussed, particularly in relation to foods such as chocolate or strawberries. However, the term is somewhat ambiguous since the processes by which different substances can influence libido are very variable, and sometimes associated with placebo.

Next, the sexologist in Delhi will explain what factors make food aphrodisiac and show what are some of the most potent aphrodisiac foods in the worldSex specialist in Delhi will also explain their culinary use and how they can be added to the dishes.

What makes a food aphrodisiac?

The term “aphrodisiac” comes from Greek mythology, specifically the name that was used to refer to the goddess of love, Aphrodite – who would later be Venus for the Romans. Hence, aphrodisiac foods are understood as those that have properties that contribute to increasing sexual desire and libido.

Natural aphrodisiac foods, therefore, are those that due to their smell, taste or the nutrients they contain make people more predisposed to carry out sexual behaviors because of an increase in desire and “attraction “, explains sexologist in Delhi.

Even so, studies conducted to verify the sexual potential of certain foods do not lead to a clear answer; in fact, several investigations allude to the fact that a placebo effect occurs with aphrodisiac foods.

For whatever reason, it is clear that there are foods that manage to facilitate or give rise to enliven the sexual desire of people (at least some), says sexologist in Delhi.

Types of food in this class

There are different types of aphrodisiac foods depending on the attribution made to this “exciting function”; In this way, a food can be an aphrodisiac because it contains a specific substance, due to its similarity to sexual organs, by stimulation of other routes that promote attraction or by the cultural history of each specific population.

1. Central action aphrodisiacs

Foods that are classified in this group contain some substance, usually a hormone, that exerts a disinhibitory effect on the body.

These effects are related to an increase in dopamine or testosterone, as well as MSH (melanocyte-stimulating hormone).

2. Aphrodisiacs by association

As previously mentioned, these foods have forms similar to male or female sexual organs, which facilitates their association with sexual practice.

The phallic shape of bananas or the rounded shape of apples or pears makes many people associate them with male and female body shapes, respectively.

3. Aphrodisiacs by excitation of other pathways

Smell, touch or taste are other senses that can be stimulated and can lead to an increase in sexual desire.

A fragrance with a good smell or brushing the back with a pen causes the senses to be activated and the libido to increase, increasing the desire for the other person.

4. Cultural aphrodisiacs

Depending on the culture in which each individual develops, diverse information is acquired about what are the foods that “mythologically” have adopted the characteristic of aphrodisiac without actually being so from an objective point of view.

Some of these are seafood or ginseng that, although they may have beneficial properties and nutrients for the body, do not contain enough or necessary to be classified as centrally acting aphrodisiacs.

The 7 most used aphrodisiac foods

Taking into account the previous classification, the sexologist in Delhi is going to show you what are the aphrodisiac foods that are most used in Western culture and what use we can give them to enhance sexual desire and make, thanks to dinner, the night is incredible.

1. Cinnamon

Cinnamon is one of the aphrodisiac aromas par excellence. Its sweet smell along with that special point that characterizes it makes it widely used both at the culinary level and in the development of cosmetics. However, ingesting it also has benefits for the body.

It seems that cinnamon stimulates blood flow, which translates into more intense and satisfying excitement. It can be consumed both in tea and added in pastries or in currently popular spirits, such as “Fireball”.

2. The chocolate

This is another food with a long tradition as an aphrodisiac and even as a substitute for sex. Its flavor, its smell and the properties that cocoa brings to the body making it ideal to accompany a romantic dinner.

Cocoa contains phenylethylamine, a substance that helps in the production of dopamine and the release of endorphins, thus providing well-being and energy to the body. All this contributes to greater excitement and an increase in sexual desire and a decrease in stress.

3. Almonds

Traditionally it has been said that almonds are a natural aphrodisiac for women as they promote fertility and give energy given its high content of nutrients beneficial to the body.

Most nuts contain high levels of arginine and vitamin B3; its intake makes the circulation more fluid due to the dilation of the blood vessels, which promotes the excitation and erection of the male sexual member.

4. The maca

It is a plant native to Peru used as a natural aphrodisiac since ancient times.

Given the variety of nutrients, it provides to the body, maca is not only used as an aphrodisiac but also to protect higher cognitive functions. In this way, it acts by helping to secrete sex hormones that make the excitement of those who take it possibly.

5. Strawberries

Strawberries, in addition to being an excellent fruit, are very appealing both visually and tastefully. They contain high amounts of vitamin C and provide potassium and magnesium, substances that intervene in sexual desire and promote libido.

6. Bananas

The suggestive form of bananas, reminiscent of the erect male sexual organ, as well as its sweet taste and the high potassium content it brings to the body, make bananas an extremely sexual fruit, which can help with chocolate to pass an unforgettable night of pleasure.

7. Oysters

Oysters are reminiscent of Aphrodite, and they are one of the seafood that brings the most zinc to the body. Zinc helps the human body to produce testosterone, a hormone closely related to sexual desire, so its consumption is helpful in increasing sexual appetite.

In addition, culturally oyster consumption is related to ostentation and power, which for some people is even more exciting. A plate of oysters accompanied by a good wine can be key to spend a most romantic night.


Balanitis: What it is, Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

The external organs of the reproductive system, both female and male, are very sensitive structures that, although they have their own means of protection, are highly susceptible to infections or diseases like balanitis. Especially if you do not carry out adequate intimate hygiene.

One of these diseases, perhaps the most common in men, is balanitis. A condition that causes inflammation of the foreskin and can become really uncomfortable. In this article, the sexologist in Delhi will describe what balanitis is and what its symptoms, causes, and treatment are.

What is balanitis?

In men, balanitis is a physical condition that consists of inflammation of the glans or the head of the penis and that may be caused by an infection, by fungi in the penis or by the anatomy of the penis itself. Although it is not a serious illness, it can be annoying, uncomfortable and sometimes painful.

However, if left untreated, you can develop some complications such as scarring on the opening of the penis, painful retraction of the foreskin and inadequate blood supply to the penis.

Although it has several possible causes, one of the main risk factors for balanitis is phimosis. In this condition, the foreskin of the penis is smaller than desired, so it can exert a damaging pressure and increase the risk of infection.

This is a fairly common condition among the male sex. It is estimated that approximately 1 in 25 children and 1 in 30 uncircumcised men. Children under 4 years are at a higher risk of developing this condition. However, it can affect any man regardless of his age. In addition, at the age of 5, the foreskin becomes easier to retract and the risk of balanitis drops.

Finally, there are also cases of balanitis in women. However, these are much less frequent and consist of inflammation of the clitoris due to infection or repeated infections.

What symptoms do you manifest?

The main symptoms of balanitis are inflammation, swelling, and redness of the foreskin. There are also other signs or indicators of this condition, including:

  • The sensation of pressure in the foreskin

  • Genital itching

  • Genital pain

  • Difficulty and pain when urinating

Types of this infection

There are three different types that can be distinguished according to their origin and specific symptoms. The three types of balanitis are:

1. Zoon’s Balanitis

It is the most common type. This causes inflammation in the head of the penis and the foreskin. It usually affects men and women who have not been circumcised with greater incidence.

2. Circinated Balanitis

Circinate usually appears as a complication or side effect of reactive arthritis.

3. Keratotic Balanitis and Pseudoepithelioma

Finally, this third type is characterized by the appearance of scaly and warty skin lesions on the head of the penis.

Which can be the causes?

Balanitis is an inflammation commonly caused by infections or chronic skin conditions that can come from a number of conditions. The most common cause is candidiasis infection, that is, by fungus in the penis. Candidiasis is a sexually transmitted disease (STD) caused by the Candida fungus.

However, there are other sexually transmitted infections such as herpes simplex, chlamydia, and syphilis that may increase the risk of balanitis.

In the same way, inadequate hygiene can also contribute to the irritation of the skin of the penis. Both poor intimate hygiene and excessive cleaning in these areas can aggravate the problem.

In many cases, balanitis is caused by an overgrowth of bacteria. The typically humid and warm area under the foreskin provides an ideal environment for the growth of these organisms that trap the moisture around the head of the penis.

Finally, the use of scented soaps, lotions, aerosols, the consumption of certain types of laxatives, antibiotics or analgesics, as well as the chemical substances present in some preservatives, lubricants or spermicides, can also cause balanitis.

Risk factor’s

In addition to the possible causes of balanitis, there are some risk factors that can increase the chances of developing this infection.

The main risk factor for balanitis is another male condition known as phimosis. This occurs when the foreskin is too tight and it is difficult or impossible to retract it partially or totally on the glans. In these cases, sweat, urine and other substances can accumulate under the foreskin causing irritation and allowing germs to multiply.

On the other hand, men with diabetes also have a higher risk of getting or developing infections, especially if blood sugar levels are poorly controlled. If glucose is present in the urine, part of it can remain in the foreskin, which helps bacteria to grow faster.

Is there a treatment?

There are different treatments for balanitis. The choice of one type of treatment or another is made depending on the causes of this. In most cases, the sexologist in Delhi will advise the patient what topical substances to avoid and provide guidance on intimate care and hygiene.

Balanitis due to allergic reaction or irritation

If it is diagnosed based on the appearance of an allergic reaction or by irritation, the treatment will consist of the administration of mild steroid cream, such as hydrocortisone. In addition, antifungal drugs or antibiotics can also be prescribed by sexologist in Delhi to prevent the growth of bacteria.

During treatment, all soaps or possibly irritating products should be avoided until the symptoms have completely disappeared.


In the event that balanitis is caused by the Candida fungus, the sexologist in Delhi will prescribe an antifungal cream, such as miconazole or clotrimazole. In addition, it is recommended that the sexual partner also be treated and that all types of sexual intercourse be avoided during treatment.

Bacterial infection

Ultimately, if the infection is due to a bacterium, the treatment will consist of the administration of antibiotics, such as penicillin or erythromycin.


The 8 most frequent sexual problems and how to treat them

Both men and women can experience a wide variety of sexual problems. Some of these disorders involve pain, difficulty reaching orgasm or difficulty maintaining sexual arousal.

Suffering from sexual problems is a complex experience, as this situation often affects not only the person who suffers it but also their partner. Although sexologist in Delhi in sexual therapy deal daily with patients who come to their consultations for these types of disorders, many individuals find it difficult to take the step and seek professional help, mainly because of the shame they feel.

Main sexual problems

What are the main sexual problems that both men and women suffer? What disorders affect the sexual well-being of a person or a couple? 

In the following lines, you can find a list of the most common sexual problems and how to treat them.

1. Disorder of sexual desire

Lack of interest in sex, or lack of sexual desire, is a frequent problem in both sexes; however, it is more frequent among women. In fact, it is considered the most common sexual dysfunction in females, reaching an incidence of 33% between 18 and 59 years and up to 45% in menopause. This apathy not only includes disinterest in sex but also in all sexual behavior, such as masturbation.

The causes can be both physical and psychological. Regarding the latter, the following stand out a couple’s problems, other sexual dysfunctions (vaginismus, erectile dysfunction, etc.), mood disorders,  anxiety and stress, tiredness or monotony.

2. Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction is the inability of a man to achieve and/or maintain the erection of the penis and, therefore, to have satisfactory intercourse. It is one of the most feared sexual problems among men and can have a severe impact on the life of the affected, especially in their self-esteem and interpersonal relationships.

It occurs for different causes, although the anxiety of execution is one of the psychological origins that can cause this sexual limitation and that turns this problem into a vicious circle from which it costs to leave.

3. Disorder in sexual arousal in women

The excitation disorder in women refers to the impossibility of experiencing physiological changes during sexual arousals, such as vaginal lubrication, acceleration of heartbeat and muscle tension; a situation that lasts throughout sexual activity. As with erectile dysfunction, arousal disorder in women has a high incidence.

The psychological factors that are most important in the appearance of this sexual problem are the anticipated fear of having a new sexual failure and the anxiety that this fear causes.

4. Vaginismus

Vaginismus is a female sexual dysfunction that is characterized by the inability to achieve vaginal penetration due to the contraction of the muscles surrounding the entrance of the vagina. It occurs due to a reflex spasm that causes the muscles in this area to contract, thus closing the vaginal opening.

The cause is usually found in the fact that some women relate penetration to the sense of danger. The anxiety that derives from this situation causes a tension response that makes it impossible to relax the vaginal muscles.

5. Premature ejaculation

Psychological causes include low self-esteem, execution anxiety, depression, anxiety, and nervousness.

6. Anorgasmia

Anorgasmia is another type of orgasm disorder that affects both men and women; however, it is more frequent in the case of the latter (female anorgasmia). It is defined as an absence or delay of orgasm during normal sexual activity, and as in the previous case, psychological factors usually predominate over organic ones.

7. Pain disorder

Dyspareunia is persistent and recurrent pain in the pelvic area during or shortly after penetration, erection or ejaculation, and can be suffered by both men and women, although it is more common in women (female dyspareunia). Scientific studies conclude that approximately 12% of women suffer from it. Female dyspareunia usually appears associated with problems of vaginismus.

8. Sex aversion disorder

People who suffer from this disorder, also called sexual rejection, avoid active and passive all genital contact. The cause is usually in extreme anxiety and panic before the sexual act. It usually occurs more frequently in women.

sexual problems

How to treat sexual problems

Talking about sexual problems can be difficult, in large part because people in this situation may feel ashamed, guilty, failed and defeated both in life and in front of their partners. This circumstance does nothing but feeds the disorder because the individual enters a vicious circle from which it costs to leave.

Therefore, the best option is to seek professional help from best sexologist in Delhi, either in person or remotely. In most cases, sexual disorders have a psychological origin, and therefore sexual psychotherapy is an effective way to deal with these problems and thus overcome suffering and improve well-being.

If you are going through a situation similar to the one described in the previous lines and suffer from a sexual problem, do not be discouraged because it is possible to overcome it. Since suffering from sexual problems is a sensitive issue, it can be difficult to start a therapeutic program with these characteristics. That is why it is necessary to find a trusted sexologist clinic in Delhi, in which you feel comfortable exposing your problem.


How to know if you have male sexual impotence?

Sex is an important part of the life of a large part of the adult population. But not everyone enjoys as much as he would like. This can happen for different reasons and can be the source of problems of couple, discouragement, low self-esteem or depression. Therefore, it is important that they are treated once they are detected. So, in this article, we will see how to recognize if you suffer from male sexual impotence and what to do if this happens.

What is male sexual impotence?

The male sexual impotence, also called erectile dysfunction, is the inability to achieve and maintain an erection long enough for sexual intercourse to enjoy satisfactorily.

It is one of those problems that has been taboo throughout history, although paradoxically there are many men who suffer from it. It would be good to distinguish between a punctual situation and something that happens frequently or even whenever you try to maintain relationships.

The sexual impotence is physical, ie, you can have the intense desire to have a sexual encounter, but either did not get an erection or not remains to complete the act.

What reasons exist for male sexual impotence?

There are various causes that can cause impotence, some physical and other emotional or mental. Let’s see the main ones:

  • Age. Age is a determining factor. According to sexologist in Delhi, from the age of 60 up to 40% of men suffer from erectile dysfunction. While after 70 years the number of affected rises above 50%.
  • Blood circulation. Different diseases that cause circulatory problems can prevent enough blood from reaching the penis, and therefore an erection can occur.
  • Psychological causes. One of the most frequent reasons for dysfunction is psychological problems, from depression to stress. For example, in the latter case, when you have a state of tension, blood cortisol levels increase. The increase in this hormone causes your body to be prepared to overcome a stressful situation, however, at the same time, it causes that the erection cannot be achieved.
  • Medicines. There are some medications that directly cause erection problems. For example, those used for high voltage. It is because as they lower the tension they also reduce the blood flow. Something that, as we saw in the previous point, causes less blood to reach the penis and that is why it is difficult to achieve an erection.
  • Drugs and alcohol. Drugs and alcohol abuse is never good, nor in these cases. In fact, contrary to what some people think this type of consumption is one of the most common causes of erectile dysfunction.
  • Unknown origin. Sometimes the origin of your impotence is unknown, you may not have it, or the sexologist doctor in Delhi who treats you has not managed to find out the reason. In these cases, it is usually more complicated to find the right treatment.

How to know if you suffer sexual impotence?

Recognizing that one suffers from sexual impotence is difficult not only with the couple, with friends or with the sexologist in Delhi but also with oneself. Although as we said before it is a taboo subject, almost all men, if not the totality, have suffered in their lives a case of punctual impotence, even more than one.

Of course, having one or two episodes does not require saying that you suffer from sexual impotence. But beware, you must be very careful here There is a point that we did not mention in the previous section, but that can also be the origin of impotence, oneself.

This reason may have left you a little out of place, so sexologist in Delhi will explain below what we mean by this. When you suffer one or more episodes of impotence and you start to think about this issue, you may be convinced that you have erectile dysfunction, and then you are unable to achieve an erection. Try to prevent this from happening to you.

One way to know is suffering from sexual impotence is to try to stimulate yourself sexually, if you are healthy and everything is going well, the erection will arrive without a problem. If you do not get it, and this happens for a few days or weeks, and you are that time if you achieve an erection, you probably have a problem.


Erectile Dysfunction and Smoking

Tobacco is a major risk factor for the cardiovascular system, and by incurring a malfunction of the circulatory system, it can cause erectile dysfunction problems. Tobacco causes arteriosclerosis – a narrowing of the arteries that can lead to occlusion of the blood vessel, preventing the proper flow of blood through them – and therefore, can affect the erection response in men. 27.2% of men with problems having sex are directly related to the cardiovascular problems caused by tobacco, according to the best sexologist in Delhi Dr. P  K Gupta dedicated to the treatment of male sexual dysfunctions.

As we know the erection of man is a phenomenon of flows, and one of the great causes of erectile dysfunction is poor blood circulation. “ Regardless of age, if a man consumes a pack of cigarettes a day for more than a year, he is likely to face erection problems when having sex, ” explains sexologist in Delhi.

In smoking patients, blood circulation is reduced in the penile arteries due to substances such as nicotine (a chemical component found in tobacco), and as a consequence, it experiences a lower response to the stimulation of substances that cause an erection.

Effects of tobacco in men:

  1. Tobacco alters the synthesis of nitric oxide, which is the main substance to relax the cavernous smooth muscle of the penis and promote erection.
  2. It produces in the arteries the vascular spasm effect and this causes arteriosclerosis and arterial hypertension. Complicates the state of health in general. Cardiovascular problems are directly related to the ability to have a healthy sex life.
  3. Nicotine causes macrophage migration – immune system cells that are in the tissues of blood migration, so the risk of thrombosis is increased.

Follow-up studies show that men who quit smoking recover their sexual life quite normally, but still there is a risk of suffering from more acute erectile dysfunction, as a result of prolonged exposure to the harmful effects of tobacco.